Core Java
Duration: 15 Days
Duration: 10 Days
Table of Contents
Core Java
Duration – 15 Days
Added the following as per the SGI comments
1) After Covering IO we can give one case study which includes reading and writing the objects from a file and covering other aspects.
2. One Project will be done as practice session (will discuss)
3. The will contain all the technologies mentioned above
4. Assessment will be done conducting Objective type Test at the end of each module
(From SGI – Also need to discuss how to cover JUnit).
Duration – 10 Days
2. One Project will be done as practice session
3. The will contain all the technologies mentioned above
1. Core Java – 15 Days
2. J2EE - 10 Days
Total Duration – 25 Days
Note: A gap of 2 working days in-between Core Java and J2EE training.
a case study which includes data base access, transactions, collection framework and swings for UI
Duration: 15 Days
Each Day 8 hours | Theory | Practical | Total |
Day1 – OO and Introduction to Java Language | |||
Object Oriented Concepts | 4Hr | ?? | 4Hr |
Introduction to Java Language | 3 Hr | 3Hr | |
Day2 – Fundamental of Java Language | |||
Fundamental Concepts of Java Language | 1 Hr | 1 Hrs | 2 Hrs |
Control Statements | 1 Hr | 1Hrs | 2Hrs |
Objects ,classes and Methods | 2 Hrs | 2 Hrs | 4 Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day 3 – Classes and Objects | |||
Objects ,classes and Methods | 1 Hrs | 1Hrs | 2 Hrs |
Arrays | 1.Hr | 1Hrs | 2Hrs |
Inheritance in java | 2Hr | 1Hr | 3Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day4 – Inheritance, Interface and Packages | |||
Inheritance in java(Continue) | 1Hrs | 1Hrs | 2Hrs |
Interfaces and packages | 2 Hrs | 2 Hrs | 4 Hrs |
Exception Handling | 1Hr | 1Hr | 2Hr |
Total | 3 Hrs | 5 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day5 – Exception Handling |
Exception Handling(continues) | 3 Hrs | 3 Hrs | 6 Hrs |
Multithreading | 1 Hrs | 1Hrs | 2Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day6 – Multi Threading | |||
Multithreading | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day7 – IO Stream | |||
IO Streams | 3 Hr | 5 Hr | 8Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day8 – Networking & Wrapper classes | |||
IO Streams | 1Hr | 1hr | 2Hr |
Networking in java (Socket Programming) | 2Hr | 2Hr | 4Hr |
String ,wrapper clases, java.math | 1 ½ Hr | 1 ½ Hr | 3Hr |
Total | 4 ½ Hrs | 3 ½ Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day9 – Collection Framework and Generics |
Collections Framework | 3 Hrs | 3 Hrs | 6 Hrs |
Generics | 1Hr | 1Hr | 2Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day 10 – Assertion, Enum, Annotation, Internationalization and Reg exp. |
Date, Calendar,Properties | 1Hrs | 1Hrs | 2Hrs |
Assertions, Enums, annotations | 1Hr | 1Hr | 2Hrs |
Java internationalization | 1Hrs | 1Hrs | 2Hrs |
Java regular expressions | 1Hr | 1Hr | 2Hrs |
Day 11 – JDBC | |||
JDBC | 4 Hr | 4Hr | 8 Hrs |
Total | 4 Hr | 4 Hr | 8 Hr |
Day 12 – XML | |||
XML and DTD | 2 Hr | 2 Hr | 4 Hr |
XML Schema | 2 Hr | 2 Hr | 4 Hr |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day 13 – Nested Classes and AWT/Swing | |||
Nested Classes | 2Hrs | 2Hrs | 4Hrs |
Awt and Swing | 2Hrs | 2Hrs | 4Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day 14 – AWT / Swing | |||
AWT and Swing(Continues) | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Total | 4 Hrs | 4 Hrs | 8 Hrs |
Day 15 – Case Study | 8 Hrs | 8 Hrs | |
Duration: 10 Days
Each Day 8 hours | Theory | Practical | |
Day 1 | |||
J2EE Architecture | 1 Hr | 0 Hr | 1 Hr |
Web applications and Web Containers | 2 Hr | 1 Hr | 3 Hr |
Servlet | 2 | 2 | 4 Hr |
Total | 5Hr | 3Hr | 8Hr |
Day 2 – Servlet & JSP | |||
Servlets | 2 Hr | 2 Hr | 4Hr |
JSP | 2 Hr | 2 Hr | 4 Hr |
Total | 4 Hr | 4 Hr | 8 Hr |
Day 3 – JSP | |||
JSP | 3 Hr | 3Hr | 6 Hr |
JSP Custom tags | 1Hr | 1 Hr | 2 Hr |
Total | 4Hr | 4Hr | 8Hr |
Day 4 – JNDI & EJB Introduction | |||
JNDI | 1 Hr | 1 Hr | 2 Hr |
Introduction to EJB | 1Hr | 0Hr | 1Hr |
EJB Container and its services | 1 Hr | 0 Hr | 1 Hr |
Session beans | 2 ½ Hr | 1½ Hr | 6 Hr |
Total | 5 ½ Hr | 2 ½ Hr | 8 Hr |
Day 5 – Session Beans | |||
Session Beans(continues) | 1 Hr | 3 Hrs | 4 Hr |
Bean to Bean communication | 2Hr | 2Hr | 4 Hr |
Total | 3Hr | 5Hr | 8Hr |
Day 6 – JMS and MDB | |||
JMS | 3 Hr | 3 Hrs | 6 Hrs |
Message Driven Beans | 1 Hr | 1 Hr | 2 Hrs |
Total | 4 Hr | 4 Hr | 8 Hr |
Day 7 – EJB – Relations, Security and Transaction | |||
EJB Relations | 1 Hr | 1Hr | 2 Hr |
EJB Security | 1 ½ Hr | ½ Hr | 3 Hr |
Transaction | 1 ½ Hr | ½ Hr | 2 Hr |
Total | 4 Hr | 3 Hr | 8 Hr |
Day 8 to 10 – Case Study | 24 Hr | 24 Hr | |
Table of Contents
Core Java
Duration – 15 Days
- Object Oriented Concepts
- What are objects and classes
- Procedure oriented programming and Object oriented Programming
- Abstraction, Encapsulation, polymorphism, Inheritance
- Evolution of Java
- Introduction to Java language
- Features of Java
- Java Virtual Machine
- Java language as a Platform independent Programming language
- Execution model of Java
- Features of JVM
- Garbage Collection
- Fundamentals of Java Language
- Basics of a Java Program
- Java Programming constructs
- Compiling and running Java Programmes
- Data types, variables and control structures
- operators
- Classes and objects
- Defining a class
- Create objects based on classes
- Defining methods
- Calling methods using object references
- Passing parameters to a method
- Pass by value and pass by reference
- Define constructors
- Describe the ‘this’ reference
- Describe the access modifiers, namely public and private
- Method overloading
- Define static class members
- Inheritance in Java
- Describe Java’s inheritance model and its language syntax
- Superclass reference to a subclass Object
- usage of the keyword super
- Define a multilevel hierarchy
- Describe method overriding
- Describe dynamic method dispatch, or runtime polymorphism
- Describe abstract classes
- Using ‘final’ keyword
- Describe the Object class
- Packages and interfaces
- Organize classes into Packages
- Create interfaces
- Describe the design goals of the Java language in providing an interface
- Exception Handling
- exception handling mechanism of Java
- use of the keywords that comprise Java’s exception handing mechanism(try, catch, finally, throw and throws)
- user defined exception
- Multithreading
- Differentiate between multitasking and multithreading
- Describe Java’s multithreading mechanism in the form of the Thread class and the Runnable interface
- Thread priorities
- Thread lifecycle
- Define thread synchronization through the use of the synchronized keyword
- inter-thread communication with the help of wait( ), notify(), and notifyAll( ) methods
- Generics
- What is Generics
- Generic classes, interfaces
- Inheritance
- Utility classes and interfaces
- Describe the need for wrapper classes
- Using wrapper classes
- String class
- Collections framework
- Collection, Set, SortedSet, List
- Map, SortedMap
- Iterator, ListIterator
- I/O Streams
- input and output streams in Java
- Byte streams and Character streams
- predefined stream objects defined in the System class, namely in, out, and err
- Highlight the preference for Character over Byte streams
- Describe the need for stream wrapping or constructor wrapping
- Define serialization
- Implement object serialization with the help of the ObjectInputStream and the ObjectOutputStream
- Networking (Socket Programming)
- Networking concepts
- Server
- Client
- Networking
- protocols
- Sockets
- Port Number
- Client Server Programming
- url etc.
- package
- URL and URLConnection
- InetAddress
- sockets in java language
- communication between sockets
- Socket and ServerSocket
- AWT and Swing (include Event Handling)
- Java’s support for GUI Programming
- Introduction to AWT
- Programming GUI in AWT
- Describe the limitations of AWT
- Identify the need for creating platform-neutral GUI-based applications
- history, evolution and role of Swing in creating platform-neutral GUI-based applications
- Describe various controls and layout managers in Swing
- Event handling
- The need for event handling
- Java’s event handling mechanism – The Delegation Event Model
- Defining an Event Source
- Defining an Event Listener
- Describe event classes that encapsulate various kinds of events
- Describe the process of a listener registering with an event source
- Describe the need for an event listener to implement the relevant listener interface/s for handling specific event/s
- Define adaptor classes, inner classes, and anonymous inner classes
- Create a GUI-based application using Swing
- Introduction to JDBC
- Types of JDBC Drivers
- Connection
- Statement
- PreparedStatement
- CallableStatement
- DataBaseMetaData
- ResultSetMetaData
- ScrollableResultSet
- UpdatableResultSet
- JDBC Transaction
- Connection Pool
- DataSource
- Overview of XML and XML Schema
- HTML and XML
- XML Standards
- Structure of XML Documents
- Well formed XML and Valid XML
- Internal DTD and External DTD
- Validation of XML Documents using DTD
- IIntroduction xml Schema and Namespaces
- Data types supported by XML Schema
- Linking an XML Schema with an XML Document
- Validation and xml schema and xml Documents
- Sequence, all and enumeration
- Simple types and complex Types
Added the following as per the SGI comments
- Arrays
- Java.util.Properties,Date,Calender
- Java Internationalization
- Inner classes
- Regular Inner Class
- Method Local Inner Class
- Anonymous Inner Class
- Static Nested Inner Class
- assertion, enum and annotation
- Java Regular Expression
- java.math package (BigInteger and BigDecimal)
1) After Covering IO we can give one case study which includes reading and writing the objects from a file and covering other aspects.
2. One Project will be done as practice session (will discuss)
3. The will contain all the technologies mentioned above
4. Assessment will be done conducting Objective type Test at the end of each module
(From SGI – Also need to discuss how to cover JUnit).
Duration – 10 Days
- J2EE Architecture
- Servlets
- Distributed computing
- 1-Tier, 2-Tier, 3-Tier and n- Tier Architectures
- J2EE Framework
- Containers and Application Servers
- Introduction to web applications
- How an web application works
- Static page and dynamic pages
- CGI Scripts and its Disadvantages
- Introduction to Servlets
- Advantages of Servlets over CGI Scripts
- Java Web Applications
- Servlet Container
- Servlet API
- Web Deployment Descriptor
- Request Response Cycle of a Servlet
- Creating a Simple Servlet
- Deploying and Running a Servlet
- Servlet lifecycle
- Http Servlet
- doGet and doPost methods
- Interaction of an html form with a Servlet
- Passing user inputs through html page to a servlet
- Accessing a database using a servlet
- Servlet Context
- Servlet Configuration (ServletConfig)
- Servlet Chaining
- Cookies
- HttpSession
- Session Tracking
- A Session Tracking example
- JavaServer Page (JSP) Basics
- Using Java Beans with JSP
- Custom tags and JSTL
- JavaServer Pages
- A Simple Example - Hello.jsp
- JSP Benefits
- Evolution of Dynamic Content Technologies
- How JSP Works
- JSP Invocation
- JSP Scripting Elements
- JSP Directive
- page Directive Attributes
- page Directive – an Example
- page Attribute – errorPage
- page Attribute – isErrorPage
- Directives – include
- Include – an Example
- Include at compile time vs. at request time
- Request time inclusion
- JSP Declarations
- JSP Expressions
- JSP Scriptlets
- JSP Comments
- JSP Predefined Variables (implicit Objects)
- The request Object
- The response Object
- The out Object
- What is a JavaBean?
- Structure of a JavaBean
- Life Cycle
- Properties
- Very Simple Bean
- Using Java Beans in JSP
- The jsp:useBean tag
- Java Bean scope
- jsp:useBean in Action
- The jsp:getProperty tag
- The jsp:setProperty tag
- Mapping all the request parameters
- Mixing Scriptlets and Bean tags
- JSP Custom tags
- Introduction to JSTL
- Application Server (JBoss AS)
- Architectures of Application Servers
- Installing JBOSS Server
- Starting and Stopping the Server
- Services Provided by App Servers
- Naming and Directory Services
- Introduction to JNDI
- JNDI interfaces
- Context, Initial Context, Root Context
- Accessing LDAP server using JNDI
- EJB Concepts
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- EJB Container
- EJB Developer Roles
- Component Creator
- Home Interface
- Component Interface
- EJB Object
- Types of EJB
- Session Beans
- Message-Driven Beans
· Session Bean
- Requirements for Stateless Session Bean
- Creating and Deploying a Stateless Session Bean
- Accessing the Session bean using a Client
- Lifecycle Callbacks for Stateless Session Beans
- Requirements for Stateful Session Bean
- Creating and Deploying a Stateful Session Bean
- Accessing the Session bean using a Client
- Lifecycle Callbacks for Stateful Session Beans
- Lifecycle for Session Beans
· EJB Advanced
- Session Bean Client
- Session Bean Local Interface
- Session Bean Remote Interface
- Session Bean Remote and Local Interface
- Bean to Bean Communication
- Introduction to Messaging
- Introduction to JMS
- JMS Architecture
- Messaging Domains
- Point to point messaging
- Pub/sub messaging
- Creating Connection Factories and Destinations
- Creating JMS clients
- Accessing JMS Queue/Topic using JMS Clients
- Message-Driven Beans
- EJB Transaction
- Message-Driven Bean
- Example
- EJB Security
2. One Project will be done as practice session
3. The will contain all the technologies mentioned above
1. Core Java – 15 Days
2. J2EE - 10 Days
Total Duration – 25 Days
Note: A gap of 2 working days in-between Core Java and J2EE training.
a case study which includes data base access, transactions, collection framework and swings for UI
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